Adult-All Classes

Beginner and sash level classes to meet your level of progress.

Classes organized by sash level ensure adult students are learning at their curriculum level along with their peers. Mixed classes enable all students to train together, introducing Novice II-level students to additional training opportunities, while ensuring that all students continue to strengthen the fundamentals of kung-fu. Novice Level students learn from Intermediate/Advanced students while enabling more advanced students to develop their leadership skills.

Adult Classes are grouped as follows:

  • Novice I – Adult Beginner
  • Mixed, in which all adult students are combined.

Sash level classes:

  • Novice II (Red, Yellow, Orange Sash)
  • Intermediate (Green)
  • Advanced (Blue, Brown, Black Sash)

 After attending 6 of the Adult Beginner Novice I classes, students are welcome to also attend any of the adult daytime classes.

Adult classes are open to all teens and adults 15 years and older.

Weekly Schedule

Adult Kung-Fu Sash Ranking System

Belts: for Little Ninjas and Youth; belts knot below the navel.
Sashes: for Juniors and Adults; sashes knot over the right hip.

Join Anytime

Experience the benefits of this ancient martial art and our expert instruction!

Adult Student's Corner

Fu-For-You Articles & Important News

Managing Life and Kung Fu Commitments

We often talk about the sacrifices that have to be made when testing for a high rank at the Academy. Testing at an elite level requires a bare minimum of three classes each week, plus extra training hours outside of the Kwoon to build and maintain fitness.

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