Kung-Fu Ranking Sashes

Kung-fu sashes and belts identify a student’s rank.

Like grades in school, kung-fu students should always know their rank; if you or your student have passed a grading, the grading certificate will state your rank. Knowing your rank is the first step in understanding your Strength Requirements and what you need to know for your next grading.

Belts: for Little Ninjas and Youth; belts knot below the navel.
Sashes: for Juniors and Adults; sashes knot over the right hip.

Adult Kung-Fu Sash Ranking System

Belts: for Little Ninjas and Youth; belts knot below the navel.
Sashes: for Juniors and Adults; sashes knot over the right hip.

Youth Kung-Fu Sash Ranking System

Junior Kung-Fu Sash Ranking System

Little Ninja Kung-Fu Sash Ranking System

Little Ninja 10 Life-Skill Stripes based on our Five Kung-Fu Animals:

Little Ninja Stripes:

Belts: for Little Ninjas and Youth; belts knot below the navel.
Sashes: for Juniors and Adults; sashes knot over the right hip.

How to Tie your Martial Arts Belt - Instructional Video

How to Tie a Martial Arts Belt from Sifu David Moylan on Vimeo.


How to Tie your Kung-Fu Sash - Instructional Video

How to Tie a Kung-Fu Sash from Sifu David Moylan on Vimeo.