Fu For You – Editorials

Chasing Black
Getting your black sash is an admirable goal to be sure but sometimes it can become a fixation. Fixating on the prize, especially for younger adult students, can have a negative effect on their enjoyment of Kung Fu.

Back to the Beginning
Routine can be both a blessing and a curse. Some people thrive on routine while others despise routine. In some cases, routine can be replaced by the word rut, and rut is synonymous with a lack of motivation.

Walk the Walk
You are probably all familiar with the term, “you can talk the talk; but can you walk the walk?” In other words, can you take the action to back up the words that you speak, or, one of my favorite expressions, don’t tell me; show me.

The Mercurial Nature of Perfection
The pursuit of perfection can be both a blessing and a curse, because perfection is an illusion that moves farther away as we reach out to touch it.

T’Was the Night Before Christmas…
From our home to yours, Merry Christmas and a safe, healthy, and Happy New Year.

Advanced Gradings: Making Kung-Fu Your Priority
It is very important that you understand all the requirements associated with a brown or black sash grading, not the least of which is the number of formal classes you attend in a week.

The Three-Class-Per-Week Mindset
To become a martial artist, you need to immerse yourself in all aspects of training and never think of it as a fitness program. You are learning a tremendously valuable lifelong skill.

Broaden Your Horizons, But Remain True to Your Roots
How to strive to be a true martial artist.

Becoming a Martial Artist
Many want to learn Kung Fu; few will become a martial artist, because a martial artist doesn’t think in terms of a destination but in terms of a lifelong journey.

Everything Changes
Commit to your Kung Fu training and constantly hone your skills. Kung Fu really is an endless journey and whether you’re just beginning or have attained a high rank.

Helping Students Transition through the Kung-Fu Programs
Moving to a more advanced class, or from Youth to Junior, can be a very exciting time for kids, but sometimes it can be intimidating.

When One Person Teaches, Two People Learn
Teaching is not about having all the answers, it’s about accepting the things you don’t know and then finding the answers.

The Night After Grading
The holiday season is a time of renewal so don’t dwell on the past or worry about the future. Enjoy what you have and get ready for a brighter 2022.

A Trip Down Memory Lane
I recently took a trip down memory lane through the pages of old newsletters, meeting minutes, and photos. Did you know…?

As Long as It Takes
This month marks the 15th anniversary of Sigung Bob’s passing; enjoy this article written by Sigung Bob for the September 2000 newsletter.

Understanding Why?
We owe it to ourselves and to our Kung Fu evolution to question ‘why.’

Practice the Old, While Learning the New
The longer you have known a technique, form, or sequence, the higher our expectations are that you can execute it proficiently. So, always remember that learning the new goes hand-in-hand with improving the old.

The Elusive Black Sash! Many Begin, But Few Succeed
Now is the time to begin training if you have a goal to test for Brown or Black in the spring of 2021. If you fail to prepare; prepare to fail!

Weathering the Storm
Students and instructors have grabbed the reins and showed great determination in finding creative ways to keep our spirits up; your efforts are noticed and won’t be forgotten.

Modern Day Warriors
When you train in Kung Fu you are learning a warring art with deep historical roots.