Fu For You – Health Column

In-House Seminar: Level Up Your Child’s Health and Performance!
Join Sifu Rikin Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at 7:45pm for this informative seminar!

5 Ways to “Side Kick” Back to School Stress
The transition from summer to fall comes with mixed feelings depending on if you are a student, parent, or teacher. Going back to school and even getting back into Kung Fu can be daunting. It can induce stress, anxiety, and resistance.

Listening: The Unspoken Superpower
When we listen intently, the speaker feels heard and understood, which creates a feeling of safety, builds stronger relationships, and more satisfying connections.

Developing Strong Character: Reflections from our Founder
Moral, responsible, kind, hardworking, humble, and honest; qualities in Sigung Bob’s character that I have remained inspired to uphold and share with others.

Approaching Discipline Positively: Part II
The foundation of discipline is a trusting relationship. Connect then redirect with time in.

Approaching Discipline Positively: Part I
Exploring behaviour with a simple ABC method: Antecedent, Behaviour, Consequence and exploring ourselves as the instructor or parent.

Wedding Bells
We wish Sifu Rikin every happiness upon his upcoming marriage in India.

Building Resilience in Your Child: Part II
Continuing with the 7 C model of building resilience in children and teens and how training at WFKA contributes.

Building Resilience in Your Child: Part I
Let’s keep training together to stay resilient this summer.

Rising Above the Ego Trap: Part II
We continue to explore the ‘Ego Trap,’ a crushing motivational dilemma that happens whenever expectations get too high.

Watch for the Ego Trap: Part I
Let’s explore the ‘Ego Trap,’ a crushing motivational dilemma that happens whenever expectations get too high.

Screen Time For Martial Artists, Part II: Striving to Improve
The 4 M model for a systematic approach for parents to experiment with improving screen time.

Screen Time For Martial Artists: The Opportunity
WFKA is introducing a “Knock Out” screen time summer challenge; here’s how to participate!

ABCs of Concussions
Let’s review some concussion basics to help increase awareness.

Kung Fu and Training When Sick
Many of us may not know what is ideal in terms how much to push children or ourselves with physical activity when sick. Here are some recommendations.

Sugar, Sports and Energy Drinks with Kung Fu Don’t Mix
The sugar content in sports drinks far out weight the benefits in most situations. Simple water is still the drink of choice, inside and outside the kwoon.