For New Students
Thanks for completing a trial class with us and showing a continued interest in Kung Fu at Waterloo Kung-Fu Academy! To start your Kung-Fu journey smoothly, please read through these next steps and links to additional information.
New Student Next Steps include visiting our academy administrator to set up your Membership, get your Student ID, and purchase your Uniform and Student Handbook.
Our Office Administrator, Patti-Lynn, is available for membership renewals, store sales, or other requests:
Mondays: 5:30pm–7:30pm
Tuesdays: 3:30pm–6:30pm
Wednesdays: 5:30pm–7:30pm
Thursdays: 5:30pm–7:00pm
Saturdays: 9:00am–12:30pm
Membership Administration
Set Up your Membership at our academy office and pay your membership fees. Membership fees may be paid using several methods and frequencies; to review the options, please speak with our administrator.
You may also purchase your Student Handbook and Uniform at the same time.
Student Handbook & Training Logs
Purchase your Student Handbook; organize it with your printed Training Logs.
As a kung-fu student, you’ll be learning many new techniques, forms, self defense releases, and weapons. Use your Student Handbook binder to organize all your kung-fu materials.
Print some Training Log Sheets to note new things you learn.
Track your Attendance to confirm that you’re meeting your class requirements for your next grading.
Uniforms & Equipment
You are not required to wear a uniform until you have attained your first rank, but as you advance through the ranks, you’ll need to purchase specific uniforms and equipment. See our Kung-Fu Equipment Catalogue >
We also sell gently used items onsite in our academy store and watch for our used equipment sale every December.
Kung-Fu Uniform: Once you have attained your first rank, you’ll need to purchase your kung-fu uniform T-Shirt and Pants. See our Kung-Fu Equipment Catalogue for options and then contact our administrator to arrange purchase.
Kung-Fu Equipment: See our Kung-Fu Equipment Catalogue for examples of equipment you’ll use as you advance in rank.
Kung-Fu Belts, Sashes, Ranks, and Colours
Learn about:
Schedules & Event Calendars
As you advance past the novice stage, you may attend more classes; see the Full Class Weekly Schedule >
For upcoming Academy events, see the WKFA Events Calendar >
Subscribe to the WKFA Google Events Calendar:
Grading Dates
Upcoming Grading Dates: If you’re keen on grading, see the weight room posters or the website homepage for upcoming gradings; in your handbook, note the dates so you know how much time you have to complete your requirements and get evaluated and signed up by a Sifu.
Grading Tips: You’ll also find helpful grading tips on the posters in the weight room.
Academy Rules & Procedures
Attendance Log—Adult Students: On the laptop, please sign in before class.
Attendance Log—Youth & Junior Students: On the paper attendance sheet, please write your details, to be signed in by your Sifu.
Late for Class: If you arrive late for class, please wait at the kwoon entrance for your Sifu to admit you. We value promptness; please strive to consistently arrive with time to spare.
Outdoor Footwear: Please wipe wet footwear on the mat upon entry and then remove your outdoor footwear and place them neatly on the shoe racks. Please, no outdoor footwear beyond the entrance way! Kung-Fu specific shoes are available for sale; please see Footwear in the Kung-Fu Catalogue.
Cell Phones: Please silence your cell phone upon entry and keep your phone quiet at all times. Please avoid taking phone calls on premises.
Weight Room: You may practice in the weight room while classes are in session; please do so quietly and use the equipment responsibly.

Kung-Fu Etiquette
Always remember to:
- Greet your instructors with the Shaolin salutation.
- Bow when you enter the kwoon.
Also see this collection of articles on Kung-Fu Etiquette >
Our Kung-Fu Culture
Glossary of Kung-Fu Terms: Hearing a lot of new words? Check this mini Kung-Fu Dictionary >
Learn more about:
Learn more about our Kung-Fu community:
Join a Kung-Fu Team
If you find yourself craving more kung fu and time with your fellow classmates, check out these additional WKFA Kung-Fu Teams; they hold tryouts for new students at various times of year. And you’ll find performance details in our Events Calendar:

Keep an eye out for important information and upcoming events through:
What’s Happening at WKFA section of the homepage >
Social Media
Facebook group | Instagram | Twitter / X
If classes are ever canceled due to weather, watch our social media channels for updates.
FU FOR YOU Newsletter
Our quarterly newsletter offers insightful articles written by our instructors and leaders about training and grading basics, being a supportive parent to young martial artists, and how to maximize what you gain from your personal kung-fu journey.
Browse through the archived FU FOR YOU Newsletters >
We look forward to traveling this kung-fu journey with you; we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Welcome!
We're here to help.